Monthly Archives: January 2012

ReBlogging is a new concept for me but one I’m in favor of — What a great feature! I love that it gives due credit to the original author! News

As we mentioned last week, you can like and reblog posts directly from your reader, which displays a stream of all the updates published on all the blogs you follow from your account.

We’ve also brought the reblog button back to the toolbar that appears at the top of the screen when you’re logged into Note that you’ll only see the like and reblog options while you’re looking at individual posts.

For example, you’ll see this on the left side of your toolbar while viewing

And your toolbar will look like this while you’re browsing the home page of

How does reblogging work?

Reblogging is a quick way to share posts published by other users on your own blog. People have been reblogging others’ posts since blogging started, but our new reblogging system enables authors to retain greater control over their content.


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Categories: Uncategorized | 1 Comment

How Many Beatings Did He Get In 1 Week?

That question was asked of 3rd graders at a Georgia elementary school as part of a  Math assignment.

Yup, this is really a question from a 3rd grade math assignment.

Here’s a picture of the actual question:

A teacher at Beaver Ridge Elementary School in Norcross, Georgia allegedly included this question, and others referring to slaves picking cotton and oranges, in her homework assignment for her 3rd graders. And surprise, surprise-parents are not happy.

Well, I would not be happy either.  In my opinion, this is just so very inappropriate.

The original post asked if this question was racist.  Since this assignment included other questions about slaves picking cotton & oranges, I would think so. But irregardless of Frederick’s race, he should not have been being beaten in the first place!  Should 3rd graders be exposed to such things? Perhaps to learn about slavery (I think taught to an older class would be better), but presented as the unjust & cruel mistake that it was. I don’t think we need to draw 3rd grader’s attention to beatings & such.  What would ever possess someone, especially a teacher, to put a question like this to paper for an assignment? This teacher not only put it on paper, but asked it of 3rd graders, who if I remember right, are about 8 yrs old.

I cannot believe that this has not gotten more attention than it has.

To read more, go here:     Is This Homework Assignment Racist? | Parenting – Yahoo! Shine.

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Why You Should Drink More Coffee!



I’m pretty sure I already do that!

I found this today as I was cruising my social networks & it made me chuckle so, of course, I wanted to share it with you!

(I have no idea who the author/creator is. Nor does my friend. If anyone knows, please let me know & I’ll gladly give proper credit.)


Did you know that they have found that drinking coffee many actually be GOOD for you?

According to a 10-year study recently conducted in Stockholm, Sweden drinking a cup or two of coffee every day may have some very important health benefits, especially for women middle-aged & up (ages 49-83).

Coffee has been shown to cut stroke risks as much as 25%. Other benefits include: reducing inflammation, oxidative stress, as well as reducing the risk of developing liver cancer & diabetes; & improving insulin efficiency.

These findings could actually help women in these age groups save money on their health insurance!

Read more about the Swedish Study here:

An American study confirms these findings:

The American study looked at the effect of coffee consumption on the health of a group of more than 67,000 women over the course of 26 years.

It should be noted that it is believed that the benefits derived from coffee are thought to come from the antioxidant properties of coffee, not the caffeine. So decaf coffee would be as beneficial, if not more so, than regular coffee.


So, put on a pot, or head on over to Starbucks.  Mmmmmm….

Categories: Health & Well-Being, Humorous | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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